Mike Rose
Leadership Success Speaker

Imagine a world in which you go to work and spend the day productive, motivated, and energized.

Then ask yourself: Why is this imaginary?

Don’t worry. There’s another Way.

The RETURN ON ENERGY® framework, designed by Mike Rose, is a new way of thinking and communicating about how energy flows through you and your team.

Built to empower yourself and your business, ROE® enables you to grow your people, your purpose, and your profits.


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  1. the enthusiasm and drive individuals feel when they have the support and opportunities to grow and achieve their full potential.
  2. a fundamental power source that drives outcomes.

    “Hey, how’s your Energy?”


When we recognize that great work is a byproduct of building a culture where people are empowered to grow to their greatest potential, the question becomes: How do we build that culture?

As a KEYNOTE SPEAKER, Mike demystifies this process through laying out actionable steps that individuals and business owners can take to improve the energy of their teams and their lives.


Your team’s Return on Energy®


increases in productivity


higher retention


higher income per employee


increases in revenue


Group 239


Hear what energy can do for you.

R. Michael "Mike" Rose is the founder and Chief Energy Officer at Return On Energy, Inc. He is an accomplished speaker, author and entrepreneur. With knowledge and experience that spans 25+ years, he has become a respected voice in the area of leadership, and his expertise has touched countless lives.


My inspiration started with what my dad taught me when I worked the counter at his deli. Picture a nine-year-old being told by his father that when you’re talking to a customer, you look them in the eye and remember that everyone in the world is wearing an invisible sign that says, “I want to feel special.”

Looking back, I think that’s a better inheritance than if he had handed me a million-dollar check.

What is ENERGY?

It’s more than just personal enthusiasm. It’s a fundamental power source that drives outcomes.

Like a car engine or a battery, energy needs to be well-maintained and optimized to function effectively.

Energy returned should be seen as the result of achieving clarity, alignment, and effective communication. When this is established, great work follows.

On the other hand, siloed structures, lack of clarity, misalignment, and poor communication are significant barriers that drain energy in the workplace.


ROE Powers ROI: The Ultimate Way to
Think & Communicate.

Using the RETURN ON ENERGY® framework, equip yourself with the tools to make your teams easier to work with, kinder to each other, and conducive to revenue growth.


Increased energy.
Ridiculous results.

ROE Powers ROI provides you with a roadmap to improve your team communication, increase your energy, and drive ridiculous results.


Ready to charge up
your business?